
The idea of Friendmon is, that you register your friends in a self created index and the app refactors the collected data into a battlemonster, that looks like your friend.

The data collection consists of multiple steps:

    1. Take a picture of your friends face and cut off the edges so only the face is seen.
    2. Record a sound of your friend and adjust the pitch so it will sound like a rather horrifying or maybe cute monster.
    3. Play some kinda minigames to evaluate the strength, speed and defense of the battle monster.
    (3.5 Maybe some kind of personality test with questions to evaluate the type of the monster. Might be too much though…)
    4. Enter a name.

Then, according to some collected data and randomness a body for the Friendmon is created using the picture of the friends face, a random color and a long list of exchangeable bodies, arms, legs and textures. If anything about the random creation doesn’t suit your or your friends wishes, you can manually change the body parts using an ingame currency.

Randomly created bodies with changeable body parts

The gameplay now consists of a round based fighting system with types and attacks. Every Friendmon will have one type and four attacks according to the body, the arms, the legs and its type. Using global tracking you can walk around and fight either against other players in your location or against randomly spawned Friendmons that players have uploaded to an online pool.

There will also be an online database where all the uploaded Friendmons can be viewed and rated.

You can get the ingame currency on multiple ways:

    1. You win fights against other players.
    2. Someone else with the app wins fights with a Friendmon, that he or she has created from your face/data.
    3. Your uploaded Friendmons get votes.
    4. Buy with real money.
    (5. Developer cheat codes ;P)