Small Projects

Here I wanted to list some projects I am working on and projects ideas, that I am planning to work on more in the future again. Also this section contains some smaller published projects, that I have done in my early programming years, which just don’t make me feel so proud, but contributed a lot to my learning progress.

Project ideas:
Friendmon (Social Mobile Game)

Projects in work:
Wizarduo (PC game using two mouses for Input which turned out to also work quite well in Virtual Reality)
Pancake Simulator (Mobile Game for baking pancakes, will also be featured as a mini game in a Virtual Reality game, I am working on)

Published projects:
MasterTouch (Mobile Game using Multitouch Input)
Wheeel! (Mobile Game and first game I ever created)
Planet Billard 3D (PC physics game with a free demo, will also be featured as a mini game in a Virtual Reality game, I am working on)